Large Deal Flow

For foreign Investors

FaMAS has an unbeatable service for finding investments. In addition to numerous professional M&A advisors, even leading international accountancy firms recommend us to their clients for investment research

We help find better deals for investors and business owners

100% Buy-Side: As the only provider in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, FaMAS operates exclusively for investors and also invests its own capital for and with handpicked partners in the amount of EUR 2-120 million per transaction. These are 100% complete takeovers, but also minority and equity replacing loans.

For Buyers & Investors

Established in 2007, FaMAS is Germany´s most experienced buy-side specialist for foreign investors with ten times more off-market opportunities than anyone else.

For Business Owners & Sellers

Free of charge access to 2500 pre-screened handpicked investors.

For Advisers & Consultants

Multiply your investor universe to international pre-screened investors.

Buy-side Advisory

Since its first acquisition in 1995, FaMAS Management has advised or invested on about 100 transactions. While FaMAS works exclusively for and with its investors and corporate buyers it has helped many sellers and businesses with creative approaches in critical situations. Among others Dr. Saldanha has successfully completed more buy-side advisory transactions for foreign investors than any other individual. Each year FaMAS screens between 400-500 SME transactions in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and introduces selectively cases to one more of its over 2500 pre-screened investors.

Access unique world-class German companies and make great off-market deals

FaMAS provides target research, transaction advisory and support, typically with partners and helps structure and negotiate great deals with options to co-finance your acquisitions.

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