I hope you started well into the year and I wish you, your family and your team a healthy, prosperous and happy year 2021!
After 7 years of stable pricing we have now decided to increase our annual service fee by 25% for 2021. Sounds a lot. On 2nd glace it is not. It comes with a substantial expansion of service offering which more than compensates our price increase. Compared like-4-like our prices are now still lower than 7 years ago. Let me know if you are not aware of what had changed with our service.
Whilst Covid19 continues to restrict work and life in Germany, it seems to have no impact on Software, and Medical (and many other) companies unaffected by Covid19. These are still sold quickly. On the flipside, distressed areas such as retail, restaurants, travel etc. businesses continue to have big trouble and sold at deep discounts to compared pre-corona period. Talk to one distressed deal expert to evaluate.
Our current monitoring includes 191 companies. More than ever before.
In the last couple months we started adding some smaller but very high growth companies to our list. Here are some highlights (more inside):
1. An innovative B2C medical device manufacturer with 300% growth in order books
2. A convenient organic food manufacturer with 400% growth
If you like companies with discounts to book value
3. A distressed Tier 1 supplier to Airbus/Boing at 50% discount
4. A discontinued automotive supplier with a negative purchase price (no cash required)
Let me know if any of these catch your interest.
Have a great month!